Understanding Homeopathy

The art of homeopathy has been practiced for over 200 years and is currently widely used throughout Europe, India, and South America. Its popularity in the United States is growing, as an increasing number of people search for effective but less toxic treatment options.

Like cures like

Homeopathy treats illness according to the "Law of Similiars." This means that illness is healed using a substance capable of causing those same symptoms. The plant commonly known as poison ivy, for instance, will cause a terrible itchy rash on contact. This same herb, when used properly, induces the body to heal itself from similar rash-like conditions. This basic principle of healing applies equally well to physical conditions as it does to emotional or psychological ailments."

The infinitesimal dose

Our bodies respond to a medicinal substance even when the dosage is extremely small. Homeopathy takes advantage of this by using highly dilute medicines, thus avoiding toxic side-effects and adverse drug interactions. Often just a few small pellets, dissolved under the tongue, can provide lasting relief from symptoms.

Constitutional treatment

Homeopathy has the potential to heal people in a profound and lasting manner. Whereas other forms of medicine may only scratch the surface, homeopathy can be used to reach deeply and affect fundamental aspects of health. This type of homeopathic treatment, often called constitutional prescribing, is the approach that I use.

How is botanical medicine different from homeopathy?

Homeopathy and botanical medicine are not the same. While both medical systems are part of Naturopathic medicine, and both systems use herbs for healing, they differ greatly in dosage and methodology. Case in point: the treatment of insomnia. The botanical approach to this common problem might begin with a mildly sedative herb, such as Valerian, taken as a tea or in capsule form. The homeopathic strategy for this same issue would be quite different, possibly drawing on such a remedy as coffea (made from coffee). While homeopathic coffee is still technically an herb, the preparation is so dilute that it has no resemblance regular coffee. Thus, if a person's specific insomnia symptoms were to match those effects typically produced by coffee--nervous excitement and rapid thoughts--a minuscule dose of coffee would likewise trigger the body to resolve its imbalance. Sleep would occur naturally and spontaneously.

Can homeopathy and botanical medicine be used together?

In most cases, yes. While it may at first seem that these two methods are diametrically opposed, experience shows that they can work beautifully together.

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